Friday, February 29, 2008

Week 8 - Cobb 8

Salvation is certainly not a trademarked word by the Church. All humans, despite their creed, desire salvation of one sort of another. This theme is seen most obviously in commercial advertising and the arts, in particular music. I liked wat Cobb said about music being therapeutic to the human soul. We confess through music and find also a sense of absolution. Music has a way of making us feel validated and understood, thereby creating a sense of renewal and hope for the future. The soteriological overtones of music is found across cultures. Cobb does a good job in tracking the African experience of slavery manifested in spirituals then in gospel music and hymns. From there came jazz, blues and of course rock and roll. We also see the salvation theme in movies and their preoccupation with redemptive violence. Redemptive violence seems to be an oxy moron, I think Cobb agrees based upon his satirical use of the western movie plot.

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