Monday, January 28, 2008

Week 4 - Monday

I loved the John Boyd quote today, I read the gospels over and over. Nothing I was doing on Sunday was what I thought Jesus would be doing if he were here. This is the kind of conviction about church and ministry that we need more of. I believe that if all the "Sunday Show" churches had this conviction there would be more discipleship taking place. It seems that the more we can make church less of a production and more of a time of interaction with others and participation in real ministry, the more meaningful church will be. Ryan said today that 80% of people who attend the mega churches depend on that one hour a week on Sunday for spiritual formation. I agree with Ryan that it is grossly unrealistic to expect people to be transformed into the character of Christ at the rate of one hour a week. If churches recognized this I believe that they would spend a lot less time and money focusing on Sunday mornings and more on discipleship, small groups and missions.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aaron, I responded to your post on my blog here. I hope your weekend is going well so far!